Duck Life 8

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Welcome to another brilliant installment of Duck Life! Today you’re diving into something much more fascinating and varied than your usual trainings at the pond gym. First of all, we’ve got a full-blown character, with their own arch and some kind of a story to follow. And secondly, you can wander around this huge scenic duckland and choose your own path! Ready? Let’s get flapping!

Embark on a quack-tastic adventure!

Duck Life 8 throws you into a real adventure mode, sending you off to find yourself in the big and sometimes not so friendly world of ducks. Inspired by your favorite duck champion who delivers one quack of a motivation speech from the TV screen, you take a risky trip down the sewers and end up at the crossroads, scratching your feathered head and wondering whether you should dedicate your duck champ career to racing or battling.

Fight or race, you’re an ace!

Depending on your choice, you’ll have to train your duck with a particular set of skills in mind. It’s equally important to be strong in both disciplines, but it’s more important if you choose the battle arena, so you’ll have to focus on everything that has to do with muscles, physical might, and martial duck arts. Hit the gym daily to get your character into shape and demonstrate some great performance on the battlegrounds.

Much the same way, speed is equally important for fighting and for running, but it’s kind of a core skill if you plan to make the greatest racer in duck history. So in this case, your training routine will include more of aerobics and less of iron pumping. Upgrade your duck to unseen levels, prove that you can beat even glorified champions, and enjoy your adventure in Duck Life 8!


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